Monday, March 16, 2009

Discovery Space Shuttle Launch

Whenever the shuttle goes up we always sit together as a family and watch. This time was no exception. Mom even put my "Nan homemade pants" on me for the occasion.

In the morning we got up and checked to see if the launch was actually going to happen - it had been delayed a couple times already.

In this photo you can see the countdown timer.

Navigating the NASA website

Close up view of my pants - shuttles, stars, and planets - pretty cool!

Looking at some photos on the NASA website.

While I waited for the launch I went off and organized my spheres in the cargo hold of my airplane.

Then I occupied myself in playroom for a while.

Finally - time for launch. It was an evening launch - very cool!

Then it was time for bed - in my rocket, moon, and UFO PJs...

Looking forward to more shuttle launches...

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Very cool launch! And we like your haircut! Daddy did a good job. Hope you feel better soon!