Saturday, August 13, 2016

Family Vacation 2016

Mom and Dad totally shocked me when they told me where we were headed on family vacation.

I just started Cub Scouts at the beginning of summer and was really looking forward to volunteering at the local food bank. However, that was the same week as our family vacation. I asked Mom if we could reschedule our trip. After all, we can go to North Idaho any time. When they insisted they could not reschedule I was pretty bummed. Then they told me we were going to Hawaii to swim with sea turtles. I was truly speechless - mouth open, no words. That's rare for me!

It was SO much fun!

It was the first airplane trip I can recall. I made a couple as a tiny baby but none as a remembering child. I thought the airplane ride was fine (8+ hours is a long time) and any time I had to sit next to someone I did not know I was unhappy but I did fine.

I LOVED snorkeling and diving. We saw SO many fish. I spent nearly all my beach time in the water. I could not quite get the swing of boogie boarding but I was able to master body surfing which was great fun.

Uncle Doc and Aunt T happen to be on Maui while we were there and stopped by. We played football together and I really enjoyed that. He had some water balls that bounce on the water. Those were super cool and I had to find one of those to bring home, too! I also purchased a shark tooth necklace which I really wanted. And I did enjoy real Hawaiian fruit snacks.

Did I mention how much fun it was?!?

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