Monday, April 11, 2011


As we were driving the other day...
Me: MAMA!!! Stop the car!
Mom: (stopping the car in the parking lot) What honey?
Me: There's a leaf crossing the road.

At breakfast this morning (Mom and I discuss our day every morning)...
Me: What are we going to do after breakfast?
Mom: Brush our teeth.
Me: What are we going to do after we brush our teeth?
Mom: Do chores.
Me: What are we going to do after chores.
Mom: Run errands.
Me: What are we going to do after errands?
Mom: Play.
Me: What are we going to do after play time?
Mom: Eat lunch.
Me: What are we going to do after lunch?
Mom: Have nappies. Do you want your nap?
Me: Yeah - I think I'll be ready for nap time especially after errands.
(I'm really interested in time and sequence of events these days.)

My most common saying at the moment: Play for a few minutes?


Kim said...

Okay I need to learn how to instill this conversation into Deaglan. If I say what are we going to do after breakfast he'll look at me hopefully and say Play???. Actually that would be his question after most of my questions.

Caitlin said...

So sweet! Glad you were looking out for the leaf, TREX!
Joseph loves to "help" me drive to- telling me when the light is green (even if it isn't our light) or saying "Don't turn now we'll crash!"

I always need a nap after errands too!

Nina said...

This is my favorite age. They say some of the funniest things and the way they think is so fun. I kept a book of things Luke said at this age, one I remember so well is him telling his preschool teacher he forgot the batteries for his listening ears.