Sunday, May 29, 2016

Apple Valley

The past two weeks of school we had Apple Valley which is where we learn as if we were in a one room school house in the mid-1800. I was dubbed Robbie Smith and my teacher was called Ms. Doyle. Each day we were awarded points for good behavior,  participation, bringing in treats for the teacher, dressing and acting our part, etc. 

Some of the items I brought in for my teacher were bread, honey, farm fresh eggs, flowers, and an apple. I also made some extra credit projects like making a dunce cap and making a quill pen and writing with it. I also read Little House in the Big Woods and wrote a report on it. Mom helped me make a rag doll because my favorite part of the book was where Laura received a rag doll for Christmas.

At the end of the two weeks we had a celebration and graduation in our class room. Mom and Dad were both able to attend this. At this celebration we made button spinners, friendship bracelets, storage pouches, and played games like stones and also put together some old puzzles. Some of the parents even dressed up, too. We ate cornbread muffins with hand churned butter and honey, too (of course, I didn't eat any of that nor drink the apple juice or root beer - I still don't do sweets). We ended by showing the parents our wagon wheel dance. It was all so much fun!

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