I've really been enjoying swimming this summer and have really learned a lot, especially since I get frequent practice and starting lessons.
Here are some photos from me "diving" but really it's just jumping into the deep end of the pool. I am told it is about 8 feet deep on the diving end. Mom and Dad still insist someone stand by in case I need assistance but mostly I do it myself.
Here are some photos of me diving from our recent family pool outing...
I had my eye appointment last week. I did fine and was happy no eye drops were involved in this visit. However, after this appointment the specialist said I might possibly need surgery on my dominant eye to loosen one of the muscles (external oblique). She was hoping at our last appointment we could avoid surgery but this time she was not so sure. So, we'll take a wait and see approach over the next 6-12 months and see what happens.
For now, we were happy to get a recommendation on a jeweler that could repair one of my pairs of glasses. My glasses run $400-$500 a pair so if we can avoid getting a new pair, it saves us quite a lot. Mom and Dad have paid for three pairs this year. Especially helpful has been my new sports glasses - perfect for t ball, gymnastics, and swimming. (Yes, we have insurance but for glasses it only covers $100 toward a pair every other year - not too helpful for someone like me.)
Here I am enjoying my super cool new Captain America shirt Mom found me. I absolutely love that it has a built in hood with the signature wings and "A". Here is also a rare photo of me minus my glasses. As you can see the eye crossing is getting better but still not resolved completely and may not ever be. With time and technology that could change.