Friday, March 6, 2009

Toddler Basketball

Last week Mom and Dad purchased a Nerf basketball hoop. After trying to put my train engine through the hoop (and getting it stuck) I've finally figured out it's much more fun to throw the ball into the hoop (it does not get stuck).

Here I am...

Still shots first and then video below:

Holding three separate balls - which is going into the hoop?

The approach...

Close up of approach...

The dunk - net all the way!

What's left to do?

Repeat, of course!

Here's a video - you can see and hear how much I enjoy my new basketball hoop!


Caitlin said...

Cool! This looks sooo fun! Can't wait to try it! :)

Cooper et Lexi au fil du temps... said...

wow, I can't believe he made it. Smart and a great athlete. Hopefully Cooper and Joseph will get the looks!